Summary Year 3 English Text Book
my group and i were assigned to write a summary on the topic in the Year 3 English text book. Just want to share our summary with all of you.hopefully it will be a very good guidance for us, the future teachers in doing and preparing lessons for the students.....
Najwa, Illina, Hakim,Wan Zhafirah, Asyikin, Azreil
In this unit, pupils will talk, read and write about different types of homes. For examples, double-storey house, condominium, bungalow, longhouse, kampung house and terraced house. They will also talk, read and write about parts and objects in a house such as bathroom, bedrooms, kitchen, bath tab, sink, pail, pillow, bed sheet, refrigerator, stool, cooker and many more. Furthermore, they will also talk and read about numbers. Teacher will teach them about numbers using the house numbers in the house address. Next, they will learn about on how to use ‘s’ and ‘es’ to names of objects. After that, they will learn to say and pronounce words with sounds like ‘sit’, ‘seat’ and ‘sleep’. They will also sing a song and write a poem about house in the end of Unit 1.
For Unit 2, the pupils will talk, read and write about buildings, places and signs. They will learn about several buildings such as mosques, churches, temples, cinemas, malls and so on. For places, they will learn about some places like Parliament House, National Mosque, National Museum and etc. Whereas for signs, they will learn signs such as the toilet, stop and exit sign. After that, they will talk, read and write about locations and directions. They will learn the preposition words such as behind, in front of, etc that shows the direction. Then, they will also learn on how to say and pronounce words which have the ‘fr’ and ‘fl’ sounds as in ‘fresh’ and ‘flag’. Lastly, at the end of Unit 2, they will have to make a building using boxes. Teacher will explain the steps and using their creativity; they can build and create their own building.
In this unit, the pupils will firstly talk, read and write about sea creatures and seafood. They will read a poem entitled “In the Sea” and name the sea creatures in the poem for example sailfish, stingray, angelfish and so on. Besides that, they also will talk about sea creatures they see in photographs and the Waterworld Park. The activities involve describing the fishes and comparing the sea creatures using superlative “ier”. Pupils also w
ill answer comprehension questions on “Dolphins”. Pupils also will talk and read about fishing in this unit where they will learn what tools fishermen use to catch fish such as net and fishing rod. They also will learn and talk about their favourite seafood dishes like fish curry, sweet sour crab, fried squid and so on. For the third learning outcome, pupils will learn to say words that sound like “shop” and “fish” in the poem entitled “Shhh” such as “dish”, “cash”, and “Trish”. And lastly, pupils will talk about how and why they should keep the se
a clean based on the picture i
n the text book.
Unit 4 requires pupils to learn about animals and pets where they will firstly talk, read and write about animals and pets. For this learning outcome, pupils talk about animals around them and also about their pets. They also will learn about the usefulness of animals to them. Next, pupils will talk about animals that cannot be kept as pets such as bear, crocodile and porcupine. Pupils also will learn to use “is”, “are”, “live” and “lives” when writing sentences about pets. Using the poem entitled “Skippy, My Cat”, pupils will learn to stay words that begin with “st” as in “start” and “sk” as in “skip”. Lastly, as round up, they will read about strange but true facts about animals by solving the riddles.
In this unit, the pupils will read and enjoy various children stories such as “, The Crabby Crab” and “Raja Nanas”. They will also learn on how to use the words “I”, “you”, “his”, “its” and “theirs” and how to put them in sentences correctly. Besides that, they are also expected to be able to say words that sound like look and shoot. This can be seen in the chants entitled “Three Little Red Hens” which are given in the book. Pupils are also required to pronounce words which have similar characteristics and in this chant, word that have two “o” such as “shoot”, “foot”, “look”, “roof” and “stood”. Next, they will have to rearrange pictures based on certain guidelines and tell the story due to the correct order. Pupils will also be taught to reorganize words and write the correct sentences based on the proper organization. At the end of the unit 5, they will be taught on how to write about pets besides learn how to write story of their own version.
This unit requires the students to talk, read and write about variety of games and hobbies such as collecting stamps, singing, swimming, drawing and so on and so forth. They will also talk and read about interesting places and things in Malaysia. There is also an article about trip to Kota Bharu which they will have to answer the questions provided about the topic. Besides that, they will be learning about time, days and months and how to use the simple past tense form to show past actions. This unit also shares with the students on what is special in every state in Malaysia for example, in Kelantan, they prefer to play shadow puppet or wayang kulit. There will also be a poem which requires the students to say words that end with “s” as in ask and “st “as rest. Last but not least, the pupils will have the chances to play game with their friends where it is based on various things they have learned in the topic earlier.
In this unit, pupils will learn about occupations and ambitious. They will need to talk, read and write about occupations and ambitions. They will learn different types of occupations and differentiate between the occupations by identifying the tools used by the people in their jobs like spanner is for mechanics; stethoscope is for doctors and some more other tools. Besides, they will also learn what people do in their occupations. In the other hand, in this unit, pupils will answer and write riddles using the sentence “Yes, you are” and “No, you are not”. They will also learn about articles like “a”, “an”, and “the” and learn to use and write it in sentences. They will also learn to say words that begin and end with “ch” as in “chairman” and “teach”. The pupils will also talk about ambitions and share their ambitions with their friends. The pupils will also learn how to read poem with correct pronunciation of words.
This unit needs the pupils to talk, read and write about transport, telecommunications and inventions. Besides, in this unit they will learn about the inventors of the transport, telecommunications and other kind of the inventions. Pupils will be able to describe the inventors of the inventions at the end of the unit. They will learn how a place has change over time and also how the way we travel change over time. They will also learn about machines that we use in our everyday life. They will also learn the uses of the machines that we use. Besides, pupils will also learn to write messages and also learn to use the word “this”, “that”, “these” and “those” in writing sentences. They will also need to pronounce words that begin with “pl” as in “plane”, “pr” as in “price”, “cl” as in “cloud” and also “cr” as in “crane”.
In this unit, pupils will learn about plants and animals or what we also call as flora and fauna. They will need to talk, read and write about these plants and animals. They will learn about plants and animals in the forest and they should be able to name some of the plants and animals that live in the forest. They will also need to chant about tree. Besides that, they will also talk about the uses of trees in the forest and what benefit that we can get from trees. They will also learn that some of the animals are harmful and some are not. In addition, in this unit, they will also learn on how to grow a plant. This could aware them of the need of plant in our life. They will also learn to make questions using “what”, “where”, “how”, “when”, why” and “who”. They will also need to say words that begin with “gr” as in “green” and “gl” as in “glad” in a chant. While they are chanting they will also learn how to pronounce the words.
This unit will make the pupils talk, read, and write about the customs, cultures and celebrations in Malaysia. In the title of this unit itself, we could know that this unit will show about the beautiful of Malaysia. They will learn about citizens in Malaysia and also read about Malaysia. They will also learn about the different customs in Malaysia that make Malaysia a unique place to live. They will also need to read a news about the National Day and discuss their likes and dislikes in Malaysia cuisine. They will learn to use “or”, “but” and “and”. They will also need to say words that sound like “proud” and “crowd”. Basically, this unit is about Malaysia and the citizens. What we do, what we celebrate and what we hold to.