
For todays class, we were discussing on the assignments that we need to do which were assignment 1, 2, 3. For assignment 1, we need to finish up the 15 blog entry for this semester and print it out. It will be submitted to Pn.Foziah in the end of the semester. For assignment 2, we need to adjust and redo the assignment since there were some misunderstanding with the instructions given. For assignment 3, we need to submit it on 26th October.

However, despite all the loads of work and assignments that we need to do, we are lucky since the precious experience and skills that we learnt through out the process of doing the assignments are actually priceless. lots of knowledge and skills that we explore, can be implemented in the future. these will help us a lot as future teachers and this will enable us to become a very good teacher one day.


its almost reaching the end of the semeester and today was the 12th week class. two more class to go and we will end the semester..hurrray!...looking forward for the new semseter......soo excite about that...

for todays class, we were watching the videos made from us and we were to give comments and critiques abouut the video. My partner nad had also finished ou video entitled "smoking". it was a veru good experience in doing the video. for sure, i will use all the skills i had in doing a video for my teaching in the future. im sure it will gives lots of benefits and made my teaching more interesting and fun.


this week was the week after raya break. raya was always great.for sure the holoday wont be enough for me. somehow, the life has to go on. the class has to go on elso..hu3...enough of raya...

for this 11the week class, we were asked to present the power pont presentation on the article given to us sevral weeks ago. in group of 5, we were assigned to scrutinize and take out the gease from the article and prepare it using power point presentation. the presentation was run smoothyly and we were able to present it well

A or your information, the presentation is basically about " The Use of technology in ESL slassroom". for my part, im explaining about the introduction of the topic. im was explaining that technology could be use in the school and the teacher will be able to implement the usage of technology through the 4 main domain which are writing, reading, speaking and listening. as for me, the usage of this technology can enhance the teaching and learning sessions.For sure, i will use and implement the technology for in my future class.

Then, after the presentation, we were discussing about assignment 2 and 3. we selected our group members and discussed on what to do and divide works for all the group members.


Today's class was so interesting. Ma'am fauziah had sown us several videos on Chun and Ella. Honestly, I never seen that clip video. Ma'am Fauziah had introduced me to these video clips on Vhun and Ella. I've found that the video was so interesting and Ma'am's story about Chun and Ella 'forbidden love' triggered my interest.... I've searching for the video in you tube and found one....hu3,,just want to share with all of you..:P

okey..back to the lesson....hu3..Ma'm had shown the videos just to show the examples of video made by peoples and the diffrences between the videos. We can make or create any video using several softwares such as windows movie maker ant etc....these knowledge had benefit me a lot isnce I can use the knowledge in order to do the teaching resource for my teaching and learning session in class. i will be able to create my own videos based on what I want top teach my students based on the Curriculum Specification...

Thanks to Ma;am for this precous knowledge....
can't wait for the next class....

Week 8thhh

for this week, we were to send our tasks on audio editing, photo editing, e-book and also tutorials for each of the task. we were given some times to settle down and finish up our tasks. The tasks were so useful to us since we can use the tasks especially the tutorials as our guidance. if we do not remember the steps on how to edit audio, photo or creating an e-book, we can refer to the tutorials that we did for the tasks.

then, we were assigned to discuss several topics in our group and we have to the the power point presentations and present it to the whole class. we need to upload and share the power point presentation in windows live. this will give us the opportunity to upload the other groups' information through windowslive with ease. it will save lots of time and energy since we do not have to see and meet the other group just to exchange the information. after discussing and preparing the power point presentation, we need to present it to the class and further explain about the topic assigned to us. the topics assigned to us were really important since the topics will be included in the final exams. thus, we need to pay attention and focus on the topic assigned more and we can use the power point presentation files as the references when we want to revise the topic.

for me, this sharing of information between each other will be a very good way of learning since we can add more information and knowledge from the others. our ideas will expand and enhance and we can also helps our friends in understanding the topics.

after discussing and preparing the slides presentation, we were allowed to go back..

Week seventhedio~~

week 7
For this 7th week class, Pn. Foziah had presented her lecture on the topic 'audio editing'. this topic actually had trigered my ineterst since I did not really know how to edit any audio with the right and accurate way.

Listening to Pn. Foziah's lecture on this topic had openned my mind on how to use this audio as one of the resources for my teaching aids in class. for example I can edit and use the audio such as songs or poem recital by using cd player in order to teach pronunciations to the students. this will ensure the accurate and right pronunciation input since I can use audio that provide the right and accurate pronunciations as examples and models for my students. I can replay the audio until the students are able to follow the pronunciations modelled by the audio. this will save my voice and energy during the teaching lesson. I can also provide cds that consist of the audio for the students to bring it back to their home as their references. they can play the audio at their house and they will be able to practice pronuncing the words taught in the cd's.

Furthermore, I will be able to use this audio things to attract the students attentions since it will bring differences in the teaching methods. As we all know, the primary students will be attracted to a lively and interesting audio such as songs.Thus, using the audio editing, I can edit or remix any songs that I want and prepare the audio for my class. I can combine lots of song in one CD and I will be able to use the songs throughout the teaching and learning sessions.

Hopefully, with the knowledge of editing audios, I will be able to edit and cretae lots of interesting audios that can be used for my teaching and learning sessions in the future...

Week sixtedidio~~

Week 6
Its already week 6!! I never realized it..seriously... and now, Im enjoying my time at my kampung in Kelantan... I really2 miss my kampung so much.....and of course my beloved family...Actually, i almost forgot to update my 6th week entry..hu3..maybe , Im too excited being in my kampung with my family. But...as Pn. Foziah said...works are works..and I need to do this works...hu3...yeah,,,so..back to work...

For the 6th week class, Pn. Foziah showed us several e-books from the previous cohort. I never knew that we can create and do our own e-book by only using the power point. i thought we need to have certain softwares in order to do the e-book. This e-book was so interesting since it can be one of the teaching aids that can be used in the classroom. it would be very interesting and it can attract the students attention. It is because, by using the power point, I will be able to includes lots of colourful and interesting pictures as well as sounds that will grab the students' interest. plus, this e-book is easy to be done. We do not need to draw or paste any pictures. We only need to find the suitable pictures on the internet and include it in the e-book. as simple as that.

So, in the future, i will most probably choose this e-book as one of my teaching aids in the classroom. This will also enhace my teaching skills and help me in improving and varies the teaching techniques that I used in the class.

Pn.Foziah had asked us to do and create one e-book. I already done the story board for my e-book and luckily, Pn.Foziah had approved it. Im looking forward to do my e-book. I think I should be searching for the materials of my e-book now... i need to submit it on time.... I'll update when i finish doing it...thats all for now..bye...=)

week 5

photo editing! love it! i did my own photo. It really made me looking back into my past. Few years back I was so into software, C++,Visual Basic,Photoshop,Paint Shop Pro (Jasc), Java, and lots of other stuff. Well, my skills in photoshop had deteriorate vastly.....this might be the best time to get back to it...hahaha.....

so this is the original picture

and this is the final product.


week 4

in class today, the internet is down, so not much to do, o, ma'am decided to group us in several groups of 6 and she assigned us to discuss about several topic in the book entitled"Teaching English in the Primary Classroom" by Susan Halliwell. We need to prepared power point presentations for each of the topic. as for me, the power point presentation will increase our confidence level since we need to present it in front of the class. furthermore, the presentation session will encourage and practice us to use the English language.

3rd Class report :)

during the 3rd class, my group and i had presented on the topic " children's capacity for indirect learning" on powerpoint. Here's the slides.

well, i do think that children learn best indirectly, when i tried to reflect it on my own experience, i always remember best of what i done untold....well...teachers should be able to make every lesson meaningful, not using their power to control students.

Summary Year 3 English Text Book

my group and i were assigned to write a summary on the topic in the Year 3 English text book. Just want to share our summary with all of you.hopefully it will be a very good guidance for us, the future teachers in doing and preparing lessons for the students.....


Najwa, Illina, Hakim,Wan Zhafirah, Asyikin, Azreil


In this unit, pupils will talk, read and write about different types of homes. For examples, double-storey house, condominium, bungalow, longhouse, kampung house and terraced house. They will also talk, read and write about parts and objects in a house such as bathroom, bedrooms, kitchen, bath tab, sink, pail, pillow, bed sheet, refrigerator, stool, cooker and many more. Furthermore, they will also talk and read about numbers. Teacher will teach them about numbers using the house numbers in the house address. Next, they will learn about on how to use ‘s’ and ‘es’ to names of objects. After that, they will learn to say and pronounce words with sounds like ‘sit’, ‘seat’ and ‘sleep’. They will also sing a song and write a poem about house in the end of Unit 1.


For Unit 2, the pupils will talk, read and write about buildings, places and signs. They will learn about several buildings such as mosques, churches, temples, cinemas, malls and so on. For places, they will learn about some places like Parliament House, National Mosque, National Museum and etc. Whereas for signs, they will learn signs such as the toilet, stop and exit sign. After that, they will talk, read and write about locations and directions. They will learn the preposition words such as behind, in front of, etc that shows the direction. Then, they will also learn on how to say and pronounce words which have the ‘fr’ and ‘fl’ sounds as in ‘fresh’ and ‘flag’. Lastly, at the end of Unit 2, they will have to make a building using boxes. Teacher will explain the steps and using their creativity; they can build and create their own building.


In this unit, the pupils will firstly talk, read and write about sea creatures and seafood. They will read a poem entitled “In the Sea” and name the sea creatures in the poem for example sailfish, stingray, angelfish and so on. Besides that, they also will talk about sea creatures they see in photographs and the Waterworld Park. The activities involve describing the fishes and comparing the sea creatures using superlative “ier”. Pupils also w

ill answer comprehension questions on “Dolphins”. Pupils also will talk and read about fishing in this unit where they will learn what tools fishermen use to catch fish such as net and fishing rod. They also will learn and talk about their favourite seafood dishes like fish curry, sweet sour crab, fried squid and so on. For the third learning outcome, pupils will learn to say words that sound like “shop” and “fish” in the poem entitled “Shhh” such as “dish”, “cash”, and “Trish”. And lastly, pupils will talk about how and why they should keep the se

a clean based on the picture i

n the text book.


Unit 4 requires pupils to learn about animals and pets where they will firstly talk, read and write about animals and pets. For this learning outcome, pupils talk about animals around them and also about their pets. They also will learn about the usefulness of animals to them. Next, pupils will talk about animals that cannot be kept as pets such as bear, crocodile and porcupine. Pupils also will learn to use “is”, “are”, “live” and “lives” when writing sentences about pets. Using the poem entitled “Skippy, My Cat”, pupils will learn to stay words that begin with “st” as in “start” and “sk” as in “skip”. Lastly, as round up, they will read about strange but true facts about animals by solving the riddles.


In this unit, the pupils will read and enjoy various children stories such as “, The Crabby Crab” and “Raja Nanas”. They will also learn on how to use the words “I”, “you”, “his”, “its” and “theirs” and how to put them in sentences correctly. Besides that, they are also expected to be able to say words that sound like look and shoot. This can be seen in the chants entitled “Three Little Red Hens” which are given in the book. Pupils are also required to pronounce words which have similar characteristics and in this chant, word that have two “o” such as “shoot”, “foot”, “look”, “roof” and “stood”. Next, they will have to rearrange pictures based on certain guidelines and tell the story due to the correct order. Pupils will also be taught to reorganize words and write the correct sentences based on the proper organization. At the end of the unit 5, they will be taught on how to write about pets besides learn how to write story of their own version.


This unit requires the students to talk, read and write about variety of games and hobbies such as collecting stamps, singing, swimming, drawing and so on and so forth. They will also talk and read about interesting places and things in Malaysia. There is also an article about trip to Kota Bharu which they will have to answer the questions provided about the topic. Besides that, they will be learning about time, days and months and how to use the simple past tense form to show past actions. This unit also shares with the students on what is special in every state in Malaysia for example, in Kelantan, they prefer to play shadow puppet or wayang kulit. There will also be a poem which requires the students to say words that end with “s” as in ask and “st “as rest. Last but not least, the pupils will have the chances to play game with their friends where it is based on various things they have learned in the topic earlier.


In this unit, pupils will learn about occupations and ambitious. They will need to talk, read and write about occupations and ambitions. They will learn different types of occupations and differentiate between the occupations by identifying the tools used by the people in their jobs like spanner is for mechanics; stethoscope is for doctors and some more other tools. Besides, they will also learn what people do in their occupations. In the other hand, in this unit, pupils will answer and write riddles using the sentence “Yes, you are” and “No, you are not”. They will also learn about articles like “a”, “an”, and “the” and learn to use and write it in sentences. They will also learn to say words that begin and end with “ch” as in “chairman” and “teach”. The pupils will also talk about ambitions and share their ambitions with their friends. The pupils will also learn how to read poem with correct pronunciation of words.


This unit needs the pupils to talk, read and write about transport, telecommunications and inventions. Besides, in this unit they will learn about the inventors of the transport, telecommunications and other kind of the inventions. Pupils will be able to describe the inventors of the inventions at the end of the unit. They will learn how a place has change over time and also how the way we travel change over time. They will also learn about machines that we use in our everyday life. They will also learn the uses of the machines that we use. Besides, pupils will also learn to write messages and also learn to use the word “this”, “that”, “these” and “those” in writing sentences. They will also need to pronounce words that begin with “pl” as in “plane”, “pr” as in “price”, “cl” as in “cloud” and also “cr” as in “crane”.


In this unit, pupils will learn about plants and animals or what we also call as flora and fauna. They will need to talk, read and write about these plants and animals. They will learn about plants and animals in the forest and they should be able to name some of the plants and animals that live in the forest. They will also need to chant about tree. Besides that, they will also talk about the uses of trees in the forest and what benefit that we can get from trees. They will also learn that some of the animals are harmful and some are not. In addition, in this unit, they will also learn on how to grow a plant. This could aware them of the need of plant in our life. They will also learn to make questions using “what”, “where”, “how”, “when”, why” and “who”. They will also need to say words that begin with “gr” as in “green” and “gl” as in “glad” in a chant. While they are chanting they will also learn how to pronounce the words.


This unit will make the pupils talk, read, and write about the customs, cultures and celebrations in Malaysia. In the title of this unit itself, we could know that this unit will show about the beautiful of Malaysia. They will learn about citizens in Malaysia and also read about Malaysia. They will also learn about the different customs in Malaysia that make Malaysia a unique place to live. They will also need to read a news about the National Day and discuss their likes and dislikes in Malaysia cuisine. They will learn to use “or”, “but” and “and”. They will also need to say words that sound like “proud” and “crowd”. Basically, this unit is about Malaysia and the citizens. What we do, what we celebrate and what we hold to.

Downloading a mp3 file online

1.Click on the start button and open a web browser. (Firefox,IE,Opera,Safari,etc)

2.Go to www.google.com

3.In the search box, type “give thanks to Allah mp3 download” then click google search button.

4.Look for the first search result and click the hyperlink.

5.Scroll down and look for the “download now” hyperlink, then left click on it.

6.Select the “save file” radio button and click OK button.

7.Wait until the download process completed.

8. Left click on the downloaded file and click “open containing folder”.

9.Look for the downloaded file in the folder and left click on it, then click “play in (any mp3 player you have)

10. Play the song and enjoy~ 

Downloading mp3

The video edition of the task "Downloading a mp3 files online"

english in japan.....they call it "dasaku"...

when we say idol, they must be the example to the fans, and in this case in japan, the fans treat their idol as god, but hey, they can be the god to the fans in the sense of entertainment, but not english yeah....here's some example, taken from ayaka surprise english lesson on momosu (morning mosume) members, they are kawaii btw...


combination of taekwondo with english, nice i think....and it looks pretty good too, and it sounds with krashen theory, the Affective Filter hypothesis, embodies Krashen's view that a number of 'affective variables' play a facilitative, but non-causal, role in second language acquisition. These variables include: motivation, self-confidence and anxiety. Krashen claims that learners with high motivation, self-confidence, a good self-image, and a low level of anxiety are better equipped for success in second language acquisition. Low motivation, low self-esteem, and debilitating anxiety can combine to 'raise' the affective filter and form a 'mental block' that prevents comprehensible input from being used for acquisition. In other words, when the filter is 'up' it impedes language acquisition. On the other hand, positive affect is necessary, but not sufficient on its own, for acquisition to take place. But it can be contrast, the taekwondo can actually become the "filter" as the students become anxious, perhaps scared? or...malas?

my dell xps m1530 with face recognition software

ive been looking for the right software, as for right now, my laptop already have a fingerprint security hardware, but thinking, " i can use face verification, why not?", so ive put in the software that utilises my webcam, so right now there are 3 (three) layers of security to access my laptop....too much you think? i think for a laptop with A LOT of information, its not enough..the software looks just like this...

band that influenced us so much....

therion, the band that produce such harmonious sound, vibrated thru the globe, in the sense of unity, with the power of music, here's one of the best...

थिस इस माय फर्स्ट post

here it is, test the comp's keyboard, everything seems wooble, but im cool with it, now, this is the fourth blog that i created, but im keen to keep this one going (for at least 14 weeks), my lect had given something to think of just now, its so refreshing, the idea of being a teacher had been rebooted in my mind, and now im more enthusiastic to become a teacher more than ever, thanks Mdm Foziah.

hey, ive just uploaded a new post! how about that peeps??